Efficient Life Insurance Funding — An Element of Touch

Funding a life insurance contract efficiently is a target sport. It is very much like docking a boat or lagging a putt where just enough force is given so that, accounting for outside factors such as the wind and the current or the slope and the grain, the boat or the...
2016 ACTEC Southern Regional Meeting

2016 ACTEC Southern Regional Meeting

Capital Strategies participated in the 2016 ACTEC Southern Regional Meeting held April 22-24 at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Mountain Brook, Alabama.  David Byers, Will Worrell and Hudson Williams of Capital Strategies offered a presentation on split-dollar life...
David Byers Elected to Board of Directors of AALU

David Byers Elected to Board of Directors of AALU

On May 5, Capital Strategies’ Managing Principal David Byers was elected Secretary and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of AALU (Association of Advanced Life Underwriters).  AALU a 40 year old organization that has become the “tip of the...